It's on the blockchain

How Echo Works

With Echo, you can report incidents safely and track their progress anonymously. Your voice matters, and Echo ensures it’s heard without compromising your privacy.

Anonymous Reporting, No Sign-Up Required

With Echo, you can report incidents without ever revealing your identity. No sign-up, no personal information needed. Enjoy complete anonymity and peace of mind, knowing your voice can be heard securely and privately. Your safety and confidentiality are our top priorities.

Submit Your Report

Describe the incident in detail and upload any supporting evidence, such as documents, images, or videos, that could assist the authorities. Include crucial information like location and date to help with the investigation. Upon submission, you will receive a unique secret key, allowing you to track the progress of your report. While you have the option to monitor the status, there's no obligation to do so. The secret key is simply there if you choose to stay informed about the state of your report.

Secure Storage

Your report and evidence are securely stored on our platform using advanced blockchain and IPFS technologies. Once uploaded, the evidence is immutable and cannot be tampered with, ensuring its integrity. Not even the authorities can alter the evidence, providing you with the highest level of security and trust.

Anonymous Tracking

Use your secret key to track the status of your report and receive real-time updates, all while preserving your anonymity. Your identity remains protected throughout the entire process, ensuring that you can stay informed without compromising your privacy.

Rest assured, your identity will remain completely confidential.

Cutting-edge blockchain technology ensures
your reports are secure and anonymous.